Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2024/25 OL Fall Competitive Season tournament for the age group.
G08U Select 1 8 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 A1 808 Futbol Club
808 FC 2017G - White
01OL-89CG08-0858   Thomas Bekas
 A2 Ballistic Soccer Club Hawaii
Ballistic 17G Boom
01OL-53CG08-0869   Mitchell Ochi
 A4 Hawaii Soccer Academy
Hawaii Soccer Academy 17G Black
01OL-54CG08-0852   Dallas Kinsey
 A5 Honolulu Bulls Soccer Club
HSC Bulls 17G - II
01OL-06CG08-0868   Kayla Fraser
 A6 Universal SC
Universal SC 17G
01OL-0GCG08-0861   Patrick Del Rosario
 A7 Inter Ohana CF
Inter Ohana CF - 17G Rosa
01OL-98CG08-0862   Ivet Lloansi Rodriguez
 A8 Lightning FC
Lightning FC 17G Yellow
01OL-30CG08-0865   Jarred Oshiro
 A9 Hawaii Soccer Academy
Hawaii Soccer Academy 17G Hawaii Kai
01OL-54CG08-0870   Amanda Kaaua